CCNA, CCNA security, CCNP, A+
Come and prepare your Cisco certification with the experts! Evening classes available for some courses, or if enough people request it.
Contact us for more details
Come and prepare your Cisco certification with the experts! Evening classes available for some courses, or if enough people request it.
Contact us for more details
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Posted in Cisco, Cisco Academy
Tagged CCNA, CCNAs, CCNP, Cisco Academy, Cisco Certification
Two courses preparing you towards the 200-101 ICND2 certification exam, resulting in the CCNA certification when combined to the ICND1 exam will run from July 2015. Alternatively, if you are a certified CCENT, this is the logical follow up to prepare the 200-120 CCNA (composite exam)
These courses will be taught in the School of Engineering, home of the Cisco Networking academy at the Manukau Institute of Technology.
The duration of each course is 8 weeks, and they will run in the evening.
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Posted in CCNA, Certifications, Cisco
Tagged CCNA, Certification, Cisco Certification
Over 2 million ICT jobs will be available around the world by 2015.
Are your hands and brain prepared to fill them?
Build your ICT skills through Cisco Networking Academy .
You can prepare your IT certifications in Auckland at the School of Engineering at the Manukau Institute of technology. Learn more at
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Posted in Cisco Academy
Tagged CCENT, CCNA, CCNAs, CCNP, Certification, Cisco Certification
The CCNA evening classes are starting in Auckland on Monday 16/02/15, at 17:30.
Manukau Institute of Technology
Gate 8, P block, room P309.
If you have not had the time to get hold of the enrolment form, there will be some available on the spot.
IPv6 can be confusing if you only have dealt with IPv4 before. This video from Cisco might help to clarify the concept of IPv6 link local address.The voice of the presentation might be too mechanical, but the content is excellent.
Prepare your certification at the Manukau Institute of Technology
Take your Career to the Next Level
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Posted in Certifications
Tagged career, CCENT, CCNA, CCNAs, CCNP, Cisco Certification
There are a few spaces available on the networking courses (evening classes) at the Cisco academy located at the Manukau Institute of Technology (Auckland).
The CCNA night classes will prepare you to take the certification in one year.
The students have physical access to the labs 7 days per week.
The classes will be starting 16th February.
More information about certification can be found here and about our offerings here
To enrol, contact Jane on 09 968 8056 before it is too late.
or use for more information, organise a visit and or talk to the instructors.
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Posted in CCNA, Certifications, Cisco Academy, Course
Tagged CCNA, Cisco Academy, Cisco Certification
A person gets certified after taking a exam offered by a vendor in a test centre.
The Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT) and Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) are the entry level certifications to become a networking professional.
You might want to formalise or extend your present knowledge.
Holding a valid certification exam in the proof of your knowledge. It can be scary to take the exams, as they are fast paced and not easy – that is what make their value after all! With the correct preparation, you should be able to clear them easily!
Cisco certifications are recognised worldwide and lead students into starting roles for businesses operating a Cisco network. They are also a starting point towards higher certification or certification in other networking area, such as network security, wireless…
There is a lot of demand for Networking specialists!
You can study towards the CCNA and CCENT certification in Auckland at MIT, recognised as a centre of excellence for Cisco certification training . In 2015, we will be running classes in the evening, starting from 16th February. Since the places are limited, you need to book your place and enrol on the course as soon as possible. Do not get caught!
We will give you access to our racks of equipment 7 days per week.
You will be ready to sit the CCENT certification in July, and the CCNA certification at the end of November. You could also decide to take one single exam covering the two certifications at the end.
Come an get to VIP pass to success!
Contact Jane on 09 968 8056
email: (
or use
Use the contact page, should you wish to organise a visit to have a look around and meet the instructors.
*(64) 9 968 8056 from outside of New Zealand.
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Posted in CCNA, Certifications, Course
Tagged CCENT, CCNA, Certification, Cisco Academy, Cisco Certification
The Cisco Networking Academy® CCNA Routing and Switching curriculum, taught in Auckland at the Manukau Institute of Technology is designed for students
It provides comprehensive coverage of networking topics, from fundamentals to advanced applications and services, with opportunities for hands-on practical experience and career skills development.
Students will be prepared to take the Cisco CCENT® certification exam after completing a set of two courses
They will also be ready to pass the CCNA® Routing and Switching certification exam after completing the full set of four courses
Students learn the basics of routing, switching, and advanced technologies to prepare for the CCENT and CCNA certification exams, and the courses are embedded within the NZ Diploma in Engineering , (Electrical Major -Computer Specialisation), Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Electrical Engineering Major – Computer Network Specialisation).
The language used to describe networking concepts is designed to be easily understood by learners at all levels. Embedded interactive activities help reinforce comprehension.
Courses emphasize critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and the practical application of skills.
Multimedia learning tools, including videos, games, and quizzes, address a variety of learning styles and promote increased knowledge retention.
Hands-on labs and Cisco® Packet Tracer simulation-based learning activities help students develop critical thinking and complex problem solving skills.
Embedded assessments provide immediate feedback to support the evaluation of knowledge and acquired skills.
CCNA Routing and Switching teaches comprehensive networking concepts, from network applications to the protocols and services provided to those applications by the lower layers of the network. Students will progress from basic networking to more complex enterprise and theoretical networking models later in the curriculum.
There are four courses in the recommended sequence:
In each course, Networking Academy™ students will learn technology concepts with the support of interactive media and apply and practice this knowledge through a series of hands-on and simulated activities that reinforce their learning.
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Posted in CCNA, Certifications, Cisco Academy
Tagged CCNA, Certification, Cisco, Cisco Academy
You’re communicating, socializing, researching, playing, creating, exploring. Chances are, you’re doing it on some kind of network.
But if you think digital networks are pervasive now, just wait. By 2015, there will be 15 billion global network connections — twice as many as there are people on Earth.
Learning about networks will give you lots of options. Because your future will be running on them.
With the right network skills, you can embark on an exciting and well-paying career in network engineering. Or you can bring those vital skills to an internship or job in some other industry. You may even catch the entrepreneurial spirit and start your own network-based company.
Get a VIP pass to your future by enrolling in Cisco Networking Academy classes offered at Manukau Institute of Technology.
Networking skills are in high demand. The mass of digital information grew 5000% in the last decade, but the number of IT professionals is expected to increase by only 1.5% over the next 10 years. That means opportunities will proliferate. Consider just a few possibilities:
• Network-driven smart grids are greening the power industry—good news for the planet.
• Advanced video-conferencing systems reduce business travel.
• Specialized networks are revolutionizing video and graphics.
• Global companies run their entire operations on networks, from designing and manufacturing to sales and support.
• Non-profit organizations work to solve social problems worldwide, using innovative networks to enable positive change.
• Cloud computing empowers software as a service, data center visualization, and more.
• Schools and universities rely on networks. So do local governments, small businesses and home offices.
Courses can lead to a Cisco certification—an impressive and desired addition to your resumé. Open the door to an exhilarating and opportunity-rich future.
• Learn by doing. Our courses feature simulations, hands-on labs, and gaming— you may get inspired, and you won’t get bored.
• Extend your reach. These classes will add to your personal skill set. Our diverse graduate population proves that you don’t have to be a techie to succeed.
• Join a community. Connect online with Cisco students in 165 countries around the world.
• Make a difference. Here’s your chance to build expertise that has a real impact. Knowledge is power. Especially useful, marketable knowledge.
• Equalize ♀pportunity. Women are assuming an ever-growing role in the technology sphere. Networking Academy aims to reinforce that trend by preparing women for positions in IT and other careers where networking skills are highly rewarded.
It’s your future.
You can ring on 09 968 8765 Ext 8263, or use to plan your best path into computer networking offered at MIT, whether it be CCNA, CCNP or specialization options such as CCNA Security or IT Essentials taking you towards A+.
You can also use the same contact page, should you wish to have a look around and meet one of the instructors.